An immersive experience in the St-Germain brand.



How to create a 360° brand experience that can communicate the atmosphere and the values of the important French brand?


We decided to create an immersive brand experience to fully understand the St-Germain style. It is characterized by scents, flavors and colors.  An engaging "floral" event was organised with a scrupulous care of every detail in order to take a look into the values and conviviality of St-Germain.

Maison St-Germain proposed a series of initiatives specifically dedicated to the brand's key targets. 
In the afternoon, a masterclass was organized for 25 barladys from all over Italy and led by Camille Ralph Vidal, Global Brand Ambassador; Rachele Giglioni, Italian Brand Ambassador and featuring Elisabetta Cardani for a St-Germain-themed flower experience. 

To bring the St-Germain experience to life, some touch-points with a strong communication ability were created: a flowershop for making mini bouquets, a body painter that had the goal to transmit the St-Germain personality on their skin, a photobooth corner for those who wanted to capture a memory of the evening. 
The St-Germain Spritz was served in an unexpected way, from painted hands coming out of frames placed on a floral wall. 
There was also great enthusiasm for the corner that allowed people to learn the perfect mixing of St-Germain Spritz and receive a complimentary St-Germain mignonette.